Friday 13 March 2015

Minister Nantaba’s salary slashed to sh18, 000

Starting this month, lands state minister Idah Nantaba will be taking home sh18, 000 after the Parliament Commission  deducted sh7m off her monthly salary to clear a sh23.7m debt.

The money in question arose from court costs awarded to a one Abby Kasolo Kiberu, who sued the minister for giving away his 38.09-acre piece of land in Wasozi Kitende Village in Wakiso district to another family.

 In an interview with Bukedde on Wednesday, Nantaba said she had been informed by the Parliamentary Commission that the deductions will start this month.

"It is unfair," she stated. "They are going to chop my salary, the salary of an individual, yet whatever I used to do was government work."

 She said earns sh18.7m in salary and allowances every month, of which sh8.78m goes into servicing a loan she got from the Housing Finance Bank.

Like other NRM MPs, Nantaba contributes sh241, 200 to her party every month. She also contributes sh2.66m to the Parliamentary savings and credit cooperative. "It means that they are going to be deducting a total of sh18.68m. I will remain with sh18,000 only. I am bitter," she lamented.

Last Month, court order Parliament to attach Nantaba's salary to clear the sh23.7m debt.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Suspect undresses in Kampala court

Kampala - A court proceeding ended prematurely when a suspect went berserk and undressed himself.

The LDC Court on Tuesday halted its proceedings when the suspect identified as Kuzairu Mukasa undressed which prompted court to adjourn the session.

Mukasa, 23, a scrap dealer in Owino market had appeared before court to face charges of theft. He is alleged to have broken into a store and stolen hardware materials worth shs20 million, which belonged to Ashraf Mubiru.

Mukasa, verbally assaulted the court magistrate during proceedings, which prompted the magistrate to order wardens to take him outside and lock him up. Before he was taken back to court, Mukasa went nude abusing policemen and bystanders.

A scuffle ensued with the policemen and Mukasa was overpowered and tied at the pillar of the court cells. He sustained minor injuries on the left hand.

The LDC Chief magistrate Jolly Nkore barred journalists from taking pictures of the suspect as a crowd formed to watch the spectacle.  

After police wardens made frantic calls, a police patrol car was brought which took Mukasa away reportedly to the mental health hospital, Butabiika
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Thursday 5 March 2015

Chameleone to face murder ...again

Maj. Benedict Kyamanywa who is fresh from the AMSOM Somali peace-keeping mission yesterday stormed the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP’s) office demanding for explanations why the file containing murder charges against the killers of his son; Robert Karamagi was closed without the killers being taken to court.
“The murder happened in 2012 during the time I was rushing to Somalia for the mission. The police told me that they were going to investigate and arrest the killers but to my shock when I went to Katwe Southern Regional Police headquarters where the case was reported, I was shocked to be told by officers there that the file had been closed and put away,” Maj. Kyamanywa said yesterday.
In his petition dated Feb 14, 2015 to the DPP and copied to the Inspector General of Police Gen Kale Kayihura, Kyamanywa asked the DPP to investigate circumstances under which this murder case file was closed by the police and if possible resurrect it for justice to be served.
“The people who saw my son being beaten and burnt are there and they recorded statements. Even those who participated in the killing also recorded statements admitting to have participated. Chameleone himself recorded a statement regarding this matter admitting that the murder took place at his home so I want to know on what basis the file was closed,” charged Maj. Kyamanywa.

The file was registered at Katwe as KMP/E/01/2013.
Kyamanywa  says that a Senior Principal State Attorney Coroline Nabasa who had tried to frustrate the case during the time of the then DPP Richard Butera insisting that there was no case to answer but when he was transferred the officer took the opportunity to frustrate the case.
The Major who was in company of Detective Ronald Poteri from the office of the AIGP, later held a meeting with the DPP Justice Mike Chibita over his petition.
The DPP later told Journalists in a separate interview that he personally directed for the closure of the file some time last year after he perused it and found no strong evidence on which they could sustain the case in court.
“We had one witness we were supposed to rely on because he had confessed having witnessed what transpired but when we perused we realized that he had made three contradicting additional statements,”
“I have realized there was a big mistake which was committed by my officer because if we are to close the file, we normally call the victims’ relatives and explain to them the reasons why we are doing so and this was not done in this case. As the inspectorate, we prioritize victims because they are our witnesses so we make sure we talk to them to get information where we have gaps in investigation.”
The DPP said they have now decided to re-open the file following his interface with Maj. Kyamanywa.
He said the Major told there was another witness and an old woman who are willing to testify in this case and he (DPP) consequently advised him to go back to Police and bring that fresh evidence.
He said after Kyamanywa has brought his evidence, they will still look at it and reconsider the case.
Karamagi was found badly burnt at Chameleone’s home in December 2012 and he died shortly after being transferred to Mulago Hospital.
Since then the cause of his torture has remained a mystery.

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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tooro King, Oyo to be dethroned....find out why

Members of the Tooro royal family are pushing for a vote of no confidence for King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, for allegedly abdicating his kingdom duties.

Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, King Oyo, is the reigning Omukama of Toro, in Uganda. He was born on 16 April 1992 to King Patrick David Mathew Kaboyo Olimi III and Queen Best Kemigisa Kaboyo.

King Oyo's relatives, including his paternal uncles and aunties met in Kampala to push for a change in the monarchy by use of a vote of no confidence.
Speaking in Fort Portal on behalf of the King’s relatives, Prince David Kijanangoma, a cousin to King Oyo said that they have decided to take action against the King for alleged incompetence.
Prince Kijanagoma is the son of the late Paul Kijanangoma, the eldest son of Sir George Rukidi, the former King of Tooro.
He is also the younger brother of Happy Kijanangoma, who was shot dead in Fort Portal in 1999.
The constitution of Tooro Kingdom empowers members of the royal family in consultation with clan leaders to remove the King on grounds of incompetence, incapacitation to lead and illness.