Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tooro King, Oyo to be dethroned....find out why

Members of the Tooro royal family are pushing for a vote of no confidence for King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, for allegedly abdicating his kingdom duties.

Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, King Oyo, is the reigning Omukama of Toro, in Uganda. He was born on 16 April 1992 to King Patrick David Mathew Kaboyo Olimi III and Queen Best Kemigisa Kaboyo.

King Oyo's relatives, including his paternal uncles and aunties met in Kampala to push for a change in the monarchy by use of a vote of no confidence.
Speaking in Fort Portal on behalf of the King’s relatives, Prince David Kijanangoma, a cousin to King Oyo said that they have decided to take action against the King for alleged incompetence.
Prince Kijanagoma is the son of the late Paul Kijanangoma, the eldest son of Sir George Rukidi, the former King of Tooro.
He is also the younger brother of Happy Kijanangoma, who was shot dead in Fort Portal in 1999.
The constitution of Tooro Kingdom empowers members of the royal family in consultation with clan leaders to remove the King on grounds of incompetence, incapacitation to lead and illness.

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