Wednesday 11 February 2015

Landlord beats tennant to death?? who should beat who..?

Police at Ntusi in Sembabule district are holding a man for beating his tenant to death…………….!
Ehhhh? Yet another reason to be scared and alert. Poor me had not yet paid rent, which explains my worry… probably for the same reason feel the same way. … haven’t paid rent, you probably not even sure you will, stay safe brother, protect yourself (try karate school)…..or maybe keep something you could use at home, or just like me, in your room, that’s if your room, unlike mine, is spacious enough. But there should be anough space for a panga, hammer, axe, or something like one of them…..don’t use your  nice “expensive” cups and glasses in a fight, use that 1990 IBM or DELL instead. You are unlucky if you landlord has one, he might want to fight back.
Atte namwe ba landlord mutuleke, naffe sente tunonya bunonya……ebintu sibyangu, we all know January is not easy, everyone know that, everyone says that (even the unemployed)…..i mean how does January have to do with someone like me……Ugandans won’t pay you for blogging, that’s why sometimes I stop typing, wonder why I still blog, and then start again.
I suggest you speak to your landlord about this, and if you suspect that he doesn’t understand, try the Mohammed Ali tactic (scare him). Tell them (you are certainly lucky if your landlord is a she) how the last person you beat disappeared and has never been seen again, and tell them it was a mukiga,…… tell them your ancestry is Ibanda or Bunyaruguru, Bushenyi .
On a serious note though, pay rent my brother, just pay. You don’t want to lose your life to the landlord’s beating, your girlfriend doesn’t want to lose you either.

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