Wednesday 11 February 2015

Stop starving your spouses.....Just stop

1.       Karooro said failure by some partners to fulfill their obligations in marriage has fuelled cases of domestic violence. “How do you leave your partner to starve (sexually)?” Karooro wonders. “….unless one is sick.”

Karooro was addressing different women groups at Rwenjeru Church of Uganda (I repeat …….at Rwenjeru “CHURCH” of Uganda), at Nyakabirizi division offices and at Bumbeire sub county headquarters respectively.

Karooro said that denying men sex has fuelled conflicts in families, an issue she said has resulted in murders.

“It has been discovered that some women and men have forgotten what led them to live together and as a result they no longer respect the vows they made,” she noted.

A man identified as John Rwamajungu in Bushenyi town recently murdered his wife before he handed himself over to the Police. “It is a shame and sad to see couples who have been married for over 20 years, conflicting over minor issues.” Karoro continued

“Let us use the freedoms to develop our homes by putting in place strategies which can increase our household incomes…….the government concentrated more on women’s issues but we have come to realize that some men are suffering silently and we cannot keep quiet.”
We just cannot keep quiet…….make some noise for Karoro, you deserve those  6 Hipipo awards.

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