Wednesday 11 February 2015

Enemployment kills....Do something

Around 45,000 suicides each year are attributable to unemployment, according to a survey of 63 countries published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Health watchdogs should regard unemployment as
Now if one of your close relatives and/or friends is unemployed (of course there has to be one, ), there’s big reason to worry for them. Watch over them, keep them safe, we shouldn’t lose any more lives to unemployment…..we’ve lost much already, we’ve lost many professionals to music (ok maybe not entirely)
And if u are unemployed yourself, then think twice……stay away from dangerous equipment and technically anything you could use to take your life. Keep your room free of pangas, axes, hammers, 1990 IBM  computers, and any poisonous substance….just throw them away (I mean far away), and try to forget where you throw them (just in case)
Meanwhile think of applying in as many places as you can, check out all the “job” websites every morning, …or maybe check out , and just like me, start blogging. There’s always time to blog….i’m not even sure you read this far, but my blogging life goes on.
Several people have advised agriculture these days, maybe you should think about it…..i’m not sure you have land, but maybe you know someone who has.
Across all regions, the relative risk of suicide from 2000-2011 was 20 to 30 percent higher among those who had lost their jobs, the researchers found. If you recently lost your job, or if for some reason you lose it, I advise you go for prayer, go to pastor Kakande’s church, there’s miracle (well that’s what people who go there say)….oh I forgot you are not that religious, try a psychologist…..that however only applies if u saved enough, and are ready to spend some of it on someone (to convince you that things are ok, even when it’s clear that they are not)
More so, in contrast to previous studies, they discovered that both men and women, in all age groups, were equally vulnerable. So it actually doesn’t matter how old you are.

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