Wednesday 11 February 2015

I either get married...or suicide

A 29-year-old woman whose greatest wish was to 'settle down and get married' killed herself after becoming troubled that she was approaching 30 unmarried and childless.

Ehhhhhhh, kyo yamaawe, yet another reason to worry. I’m not married either, and I’m not so far away from 30. What does that mean to you? Munange, think about marrying, you will have saved a life, or two (yours inclusive), and “moslem” you should save three more.
An inquest was told Miss Gow had been an 'outgoing, adventurous and loving' young woman who had attained a 2:1 in History from Lancaster University before working at Royal Bolton Hospital….she wasn’t that bad, she didn’t deserve that.
If you are for some reason(s) in the same situation…..i mean not married, and 30 or just getting to 30, there’s no need for that, there’s thousands of “single” and searching men out there. Be carefull though, you might get yourself someone to kill you….but I think that’s a little better than killing yourself. And if for some reason you can’t find one, then I advise you pray, pray hard sister, pray…..try Kakande, trust me it works, well people say it does.
Or make some money and adopt, not a kid or dog this time,….adopt someone, there’s mob desperate guys in the world. You have an advantage if you are white, and my black sister, you need a lot of cash. And I mean a lot.
You probably need time to think about it… have a nice day. You can comment with your thoughts, that’s if they are not too mature for the blog.

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