Wednesday 11 February 2015

UCC to Shut-down social media...? no they can't

The Uganda Communications Commission has threatened to shut down social media sites over misuse by the public. We normally hear such stuff around…don’t we. We never see any actions though.
And this is in relation to the videos; you know the videos I’m talking about…..if you don’t, then just get yourself a smart phone. Trust me, you need one. Everyone seems to have seen them, all of them, and we all know what that means to the future of our society. Not good at all. Everyone, young and old, has a smart phone these days, just about everyone.
Have these UCC guys really watched the videos??? Do they really hate them that much??? If so, then what do they hate about them, maybe we can do better next time.
Think about life without social media, no more whatsapp mid-night conversations, anonymous facebook chats, and most annoying and disturbing no more “music” videos.
But there’s always a way out, we could use our emails, and UCC will have no right to block them. Be carefull not to carbon copy Fr. Lok though, he doesn’t like SPAM mails, we all don’t.
Note from UCC
UCC does not seek to stifle freedoms but wants responsible use like in France where they have banned pornographic sites. People should use social media but responsibly.

Some outstanding headlines
Women activists demand harsh action on sex tapes
Sex tapes are part of pervasive levels of violence against women

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